Good news for the press

We are pleased to be part of the economic change towards more sustainability and humanity.


We are diverse like the world of tomorrow, we tackle what needs to be done:
With the vision of a happy society and a life-friendly environment, we are not taking the easiest path, but we are heading in the right direction.

If that’s not good news!

Press releases and articles

About Locura


11.2023: Stadtrevue

11.2022: Contraste

26.01.2022: Papstar – Street Food Award Duisburg


11.02.2019: Geheimtipp Köln

01.2018: Mit Vergnügen Tipps

21.09.2016: Bonn Sustainability Portal

14.01.2016: JobVerde

08.01.2016: lifePR


About collectives


04.2024: Graswurzelrevolution

08.2023: Contraste


Write us at